When you get ready to apply for a job in the real world, how easy is it going to be? Filling out the applications for an employer is pretty simple. If you have experience, volunteer work experiences, or special skills; you want to make sure you put those on the application. If you have no job experience, then it may be a little bit tougher to get a job, depending on where you are applying. But, everyone has to start somewhere and employers understand that. They were there at one point in their lives too.
Fast-food jobs are very easy to get no matter how much experience you have. A huge majority of high school students get their first job at a fast-food establishment. If you live in a bigger city or area, then you may have other options. But anyone can get a job at a fast-food restaurant. No matter what your age, your experience, or your ‘restrictions.’ Senior citizens or retired people do it, just to get out of the house a couple of hours a day/week. Teenagers do it because they are growing up and it is time to get out into the world and start learning to earn and pay for your own way.

In the present day, it is definitely not hard to get a job in the fast-food industry. There are so many establishments in every town, except where I live, that they can never get enough employees. Times have changed since I was a sixteen year old, looking for a job. There are so many more opportunities for teenagers now, that they have more choices than fast-food restaurants. We are going to answer some important questions about fast food establishments. Giving you a better idea of what to expect when you apply.
Is Fast Food a Good Job?
Depending on the area, the establishment, and the management, fast food can be a good job. I started out at McDonald’s when the summer that I turned 16-years-old. At the time, there were only two other fast-food restaurants in my little hometown. U.S. high schoolers didn’t have many options for our “first” job experience. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t horrible either. The biggest downfall when you are a teenager, and you work at a fast-food restaurant, you are going to get the crappy shifts that the adults/senior citizens do not want. Those would be the Friday and Saturday nights, when teenagers usually hang out with friends, go on dates, or whatever teenagers do these days. There are a lot of other factors to include when determining if fast food is a good job. From personal experience, it isn’t bad. It is decent money, sometimes not so good hours, and it allows you to save money.
How to get a Fast Food Job with no Experience
Fast food establishments know that 98% of the people that apply for jobs are not going to have any type of work experience. Again, fast food is one of the only places that most teenagers work, as their first job. Fast food establishments do not expect you to have any experience unless you are applying for a management position. An entry-level’ crew member’ job, requires no prior knowledge or work experience. Just general knowledge and commons sense. Be kind, bathe, wear your uniform, no drinking/drugs on the property, and be civil to co-workers. Beyond that, they do not expect you to know anything else. For any job, it is common sense, first and foremost. The job skills and knowledge will come with time in the job position.
How to Apply for a Fast Food Job
Nowadays, in 2021, everything is done electronically. Most places have you fill out an application online. But, please go into the establishment and make sure that it is online. In some places, very few still do have paper applications. Once you receive the application or log onto their website, the process is pretty self-explanatory. Answer all the questions to the best of your ability. If you do any volunteer work or extracurricular activities, make sure that you include that on the application. DO NOT try to say that you can not work on the weekends (especially the night shift). If you are a teenager, that is a huge red flag! Unfortunately, you are the low man on the totem pole, and you are going to get the crappier shifts. Once you have filled out all of the information, to the best of your ability, turn it back in/submit it online. I normally give places 72 hours, and then I will call them to check on the status of the application. This lets them know that you are still available and interested in the position. Depending on the answer they give you, go into the establishment after another 72 hours, and ask to speak to the hiring manager. That usually gets their attention.
Fast food establishments and employment are not terrible. It is not something that most people are excited about doing. But if it pays your bills and allows you to purchase the things that you need, then it is what you have to do. It is the responsible thing to do. Not everything in life is enjoyable. Make it the best that you can and I promise, you will survive the fast-food craziness.