How do Fast Food Restaurants Cook Food so Fast? -The Samurai Way

We are always in awe, at how quickly you receive your food when you go to a fast-food establishment. Depending on the company, it may take longer than others. If it is rush hour then it is going to take a little longer. Nowadays, because of the employee shortage, it is also going to take a little bit more time. But for the purpose of this article, we are going to assume everything and everyone is working as it should, as it was 15 years ago. You pull up to the drive-thru speaker, you order your food, you pull forward and pay and they hand you your food. How in the world does this happen so quickly? Well, we are going to explain this to you.

Fast-food establishments have a very large cooking area in the kitchen. Whether it is a grill, a conveyor system, or some other equipment. This allows the kitchen staff to mass cook the burgers. Depending on the time of day and the company policy, they will cook a certain amount of product at one time. They will then put it under a warmer, to keep the product hot. This is mainly done during lunch and dinner ‘rush.’ This allows the establishment to keep their ‘times’ down and get patrons their food quicker.

There are many positives and negatives about the way that some fast-food establishments prepare their product. Having worked in the industry, for three different companies, I have a unique insight into the preparation of the food. Over the years, some companies have changed the way they do things and a lot more are going to the ‘prepare as it is ordered.’ Instead of the mass production of burgers for dinner and lunch rush.

How does McDonald’s cook their burgers so fast?

In a nutshell, because it has been many years since I worked at Mcdonald’s, they have a large grill that will cook a dozen hamburgers at a time. Initially, the burgers come to the store frozen, and once put on the grill it only takes 30-45 seconds for the burgers to cook all the way through. The cooks then put them, in what looks like a drawer, and it keeps them hot. As the orders are placed, they are pulled out of the drawer and assembled. Even though it has been 30 years since I worked at a Mcdonald’s, I am sure they still do it the same way. Though I can tell you that our local McDonalds, has started “cooking to order.” There is no more cooking the burgers and keeping them ‘warm’ in a drawer. They do not make your burger until your order is placed. I can not speak for any of the other establishments, as to how they prepare their product.

How do fast-food restaurants cook their food faster?

When you decide to go to a fast-food establishment for a meal, it isn’t going to take much time between when you order and when they hand you your food. This is because they ‘mass cook’ their burgers. They also mass cook the chicken nuggets, the chicken patties, and any other sandwich product. The cooked products are then put into a ‘warmer’ that resembles a large drawer. As the orders come in, the product is pulled out of the drawer and assembled. Though there are many fast-food establishments that actually cook your food to order. Which means it is very hot, fresh, and delicious. If you go to a fast-food establishment during lunch hour, then you are going to get something that is fresher than if you go at 1:30. Though there is a time limit on how long they are supposed to keep the food in the ‘warmer.’

How do fast-food chefs cook quickly?

Fast-food ‘chefs’ have very large grills or conveyors that they use to produce large amounts of product at the same time. McDonald’s has the large grills, Hardee’s has the conveyor system, and at Arby’s, they consistently have roast beef in the oven; then they put it on the slicer and go to town. Every fast food has some kind of ‘warmer’ system to keep the product in after it is mass cooked. Even the establishments that cook your food to order. They all use multiple fryers to prepare french fries, onion rings, mozzarella sticks, chicken nuggets, etc. These set-ups are extremely handy and make the fast-food ‘chefs’ jobs much easier. Whether it is safe and healthy to prepare and store food this way, is a matter of opinion. The only problem that I have ever had is that my lunch was not very warm.


Fast-food establishments are good places to work, good places to eat, and they can be found in every town in the United States no matter how big or small. Food is cooked in mass quantities to make the process go quicker, hence the name “fast-food.” Though some fast-food establishments are cook to order and not ‘fast.’ No matter whether it is cook to order or only takes three minutes from order to in-hand American’s absolutely love to eat at fast-food establishments.

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